Thursday, September 30, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Well, hello. And welcome to my blog.

This will be a place to share experiences of my life in graduate school. Family and friends, I hope you enjoy! 

My life right now:

I am a first year graduate student in the biomedical engineering department at the University of Wisconsin. I am living in the beautiful city of Madison and loving it! What does being a graduate student entail? About five years of a few classes and lots of time in the lab doing research. And yes, I actually enjoy this a lot haha

I miss my family a whole lot (but am very excited to be close to my Iowa kin for the first time ever).

I miss Oklahoma and OU a lot, but am extremely grateful for all the amazing memories I have.

That is a brief synopsis of my life.

Just a side note. Last year, I was chair of an event called Dance Marathon, which raised money for Children's Miracle Network. As chair, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit the children at the OKC hospital every week (usually seeing them multiple times a week.) Micah Walters is probably the most amazing person I got to know. He is the biggest OU fan I've ever met (besides my Uncle Bud, maybe) and has such an inspiring family. They have been through more than I could ever imagine. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they have been hit with yet another hard time. If you'd like to know more, here is their blog or you can ask me details. Here is a picture of Micah and me at the OU homecoming pep rally last year where he led the Boomer Sooner chant

In posts to come soon: what my typical day looks like (with pictures) and a recap of my first weekend in California. Feel free to suggest any posts you would like to see.

Xoxo. And BOOMER FREAKIN' SOONER. I love OU/saxeT week.



  1. Dani,
    SOO happy you have created this blog! You are going to have an amazing 5 years in God's country and are ALWAYS welcome to venture 3 hours south whenever you want! Anxious to see pix and hear about your California trip. So proud of you and love you bunches!
    Grandma Koss

  2. Hi, I'm glad you decided to create your blog, as it will be so much easier to stay in touch with you and enjoy your life and experiences along with you. Was good hearing from you this am and glad that all is going great for you. As Linda said "we are all so proud of you." Enjoy CA and we will be looking for lots of pictures!
    Love Ya,
    Grandma Fergus
