Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's been a long time...


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Here are some exciting things that have happened:

  • My Packers won the Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!! I watched the super incredible game at a local bar about 10 steps from my apartment and did it the normal Wisconsin way - burger, beer and lots of Go! Pack! Go! ...the only thing better would have been watching it with family and especially, my dad. That would have been way better. It was AMAZING though  =)
  • I have signed a lease for next year and starting August 15th, I will be living in a three bedroom, two story townhouse in the same building I live in now. It's super nice. And a wonderful location at a great price. I will be living with my current roommate and another girl named Jackie who's a first year biomedical engineering major like me. 
  • My advisor had her baby on the snowiest day of the year, February 2nd.  
  • Matt and I mutually decided we weren't going to do anything for Valentine's Day. We'd rather just spend money to go see each other (which I'm doing next week!!!), but I didn't need anything. I go to think all day about how blessed I am and how amazing my boy is. He gives me the present of his time on Skype every day...By the way, don't tell him. I promised to never mention him on this blog haha
I think that's all for now. Miss you all SO SO SO much.
